Achievements - Post Professional #2015001
Some after reading the title would curse that it is highly Stupid because your logical sense says that when someone is Professional, that itself is an achievement. But yet there are few more stuffs which needs to be rendered and achieved in personal life. Yes, this post is one about such. Of years ago, I remember going to a Tamil Language movie "ON TIME" along with my family members and it years back in 1998 while I was in school. After that, to confess I was never such to any of the movies. 95% I use to enter late atleast a minute or more. And the balance 5%, I use to leave the cinema hall before The END of movie. And, steadily only few countable movies since then because of various criteria which I could not avoid from. Since last December, I am spending some valuable time besides my professional life with a very least number of my confidante's. And this has literally increased during my ML span from March 2015. Even-then I wanted to be ON TIME for a movie atleast, but ...